Managers can effectively manage employee absences

how can managers manage employee absences (1)

Employee absence is referred to as absenteeism. Absence management is the ability to manage employee absences and to help employees return to work well and functional as quickly as possible. It includes managing the existing workload to compensate for the missing employee. It can include re-assigning projects, hiring temporary workers, or calling employees to fill…

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Workforce Management Streamlines Accruals Including Unlimited PTO

wfm for unlimited PTO tracking

Are you considering a change in Paid Time Off policies at your company? If so, you aren’t alone. Across the country, employers are rethinking PTO and vacation time. Some are even offering unlimited PTO. Whichever method you choose, you need to administer it accurately and efficiently. Use workforce management software to implement a new policy,…

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Workforce Management Software Helps Small Businesses Manage Sick Leave

SwipeClock workforce management, WFM sick leave tools

Many small businesses don’t provide paid sick leave for hourly workers. Sick leave can protect your employees’ health and prevent productivity losses due to a company-wide illness. Workforce management software can help businesses with salaried or hourly employees manage sick leave. When employees come into work sick, it can be a public health threat. Hourly…

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The Supervisor’s Guide to Employee Absence Management During Vacation and Holiday Seasons

Employee Absence Management Guide

Summer vacations and holiday celebrations can take a toll on workplace productivity. Employee downtime doesn’t have to mean losing business momentum. Employee absence management can keep your business running smooth. Around this time each year, management starts to worry about the impact of vacations. Employees are starting to talk about taking time off and the…

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Workforce Management ROI: 7 Ways It Saves Far More Than It Costs

workforce management roi saves money

Are you hesitant about implementing workforce management? Do you think it will cost too much? This is understandable. After all, the Human Resources department isn’t a revenue generator. But that doesn’t mean that your staff can’t boost the bottom line by cutting labor costs. Workforce management software saves money and streamlines workflows. There are no…

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Top 5 Reasons Small Businesses Move to Automated Timekeeping

Small businesses have been called the backbone of the economy making up 99.7% of US employer firms (according to But, what is the backbone of small business? Customers? Employees? A good business plan? Technology? Would it surprise you to learn that “systems” are actually considered to be the backbone of small business success? But,…

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Offer the Most Sought-After Employee Benefits: Let SwipeClock Help!

The dilemma is common. Should your small or medium-sized company lavish employees with fabulous benefits and forgo profits or should you penny pinch and risk losing your best employees? Most small and growing companies can’t afford to provide the unique benefits of Google, Pinterest or Spotify. Offering a year, or even months, of paid family…

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If You Neglect Workforce Management, This Could Happen to You

What affects business success? Talent, Ideas, Product, Customer Service, Mission? While these are all vital components to the success of a business, there is one aspect that is too often neglected. Do you know what it is? Neglecting workforce management can cause great obstacles to your business success. This can affect many areas of your…

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