Incorporating Company Culture Throughout Your Organization

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Allie Blackham

Marketing Content Manager

Our most recent blog series has outlined why investing in your company culture matters, how to improve it, and examples of different types to help companies identify what aspects align with organizational goals and aims. In this post, we’ll cover how to incorporate elements of the culture throughout the business across all departments.

Benefits of Improving Your Company Culture

It’s always worth the effort to improve your company culture, as doing so can make a big difference in various areas.

Boost talent retention

Employee retention rates tend to be higher in organizations with strong cultures, reducing costly turnover. Today’s jobseekers also tend to look for companies that invest in the people and build positive, supportive atmospheres. No business can afford to overlook the value of a strong culture, particularly when hiring and trying to keep employees happy.

Foster creativity and innovation

When your company culture encourages taking risks and communicating openly, people are more likely to think creatively and come up with innovative ideas. For a company that’s striving to be on the cutting-edge, these traits are essential in its workforce.

Improve engagement rates

Your employees will be more engaged in their work if they feel a sense of purpose and belonging with the organization. Investing in your culture and creating a supportive atmosphere can make a big difference in engagement rates. Engaged employees are also more productive, which benefits the bottom line.

Promote health and well-being

If your culture encourages work-life balance, allowing employees to take time away to mentally recharge, the workforce is likely to be healthier overall. The well-being of those who feel supported in their mental, emotional, and physical needs also tend to be better than among employees who struggle to get support from their employers.

Create a workforce that’s open to change

When a culture is built on transparency and mutual trust, employees tend to be more adaptable to change. An understanding of the purpose behind organizational changes often draws greater buy-in and support from those impacted by them. When your company operates in a rapidly evolving industry, adaptability to change is a vital trait.

How to Incorporate Culture Throughout the Organization

When you have overcome roadblocks and established the culture you want for your organization, the next step is incorporating it through all departments and interactions. Explore our how-to guide that outlines achieving this goal and developing a supportive culture across the entire business.

Define the values

The first step in incorporating your organizational culture across the business is defining its core values and communicating them to the entire workforce. Your core values will guide the actions, behavior, and decision-making processes of employees and leaders. Additionally, your leadership team should communicate clear expectations of the teams, including the importance of applying these values when collaborating and interacting with team members, customers, and third parties.

Ask for feedback

You can’t fix something if you don’t know it’s not working. Ask for feedback constantly from employees to get a sense of the feelings of those managing the day-to-day aspects of the company. Use tools like anonymous surveys to get honest insights into what team members like and dislike about the overall atmosphere of the workplace.

Improve hiring practices

The hiring process should incorporate your organizational culture, setting the tone of the company for all who are considering working for it. When looking to fill open positions, assess candidates for their skills and experience, as well as their alignment with the overall values and culture. By taking the extra step to figure out who would be a good fit, you can create a more cohesive work environment.

Offer opportunities for growth and development

A supportive culture is one that encourages growth and supports employees in their roles and futures. Make sure your business has a clear path for growth with training, workshops, and other opportunities that help members of the workforce improve their skills and move up in their careers. You can also use a training program to offer education around the importance of the company culture and its impact on the overall experience at work.

Reward employees who buy in

Acknowledging and rewarding those members of the team who demonstrate the core values and reflect the culture in their actions go a long way in reinforcing the importance of these aspects of the organization. Creating a rewards system can encourage others to adapt to the culture as well.

Promote collaboration

By promoting collaboration in everyday interactions, your company can build and incorporate a culture that values teamwork. Look for opportunities to develop cross-functional initiatives and projects that allow employees working in differing departments to come together and share their knowledge and expertise.

Address concerning behavior

Don’t let toxic actions undermine the culture of your organization. Take immediate action at the first sign of rampant negativity, bullying, manipulation, or gossiping. Make sure all employees feel respected and safe while at work by addressing concerning behavior and nipping it in the bud.

Understanding the importance of a supportive and inclusive workplace culture is the first step toward creating and implementing one. By taking the steps outlined above, your company can support its employees while working toward its mission.

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