Using an All-in-One Platform for Hiring and Managing Employees

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Allie Blackham

Marketing Content Manager

Today’s small business owners are often pulled in countless directions, leaving them feeling overwhelmed and challenged. Between building strong teams and making crucial decisions, a business owner may not have time to tackle other tasks.

Hiring tends to take a lot of time and energy, especially considering that it takes an average of 20-30 days to fill a single position. But an all-in-one workforce management platform can make it easier to take care of operational needs while building a business.

WorkforceHub: Built for Small Businesses

WorkforceHub is a modern, user-friendly platform that’s designed with the needs of small business owners in mind. It handles time and labor tracking, accruals, scheduling, and hiring, all from a single solution. WorkforceHub is also priced for small businesses and helps to reduce the complexities associated with managing a growing workforce.

The Challenges of Hiring Today

Filling open positions is particularly difficult in the current market, especially when using traditional recruitment methods. Many small companies are turning to alternative workers, such as those involved in the gig economy.

The standard workday is not as common as it once was, with more than a third of the American workforce turning to gig work. By 2024, it’s estimated that over half of U.S. workers will be involved in the gig economy. Many of these individuals seek the flexibility that comes with gig work, while others look for independence from the traditional “9 to 5” setup or in-person requirements.

Adapting your recruiting strategy to include gig workers can help you fill positions with experienced and knowledgeable individuals. And with the right applicant-tracking system, you can achieve that goal by getting your open positions in front of a wider pool of applicants.

Adapting Your Hiring Practices

Adapting your recruitment strategy to accommodate the temporary workforce is essential as the gig economy continues to expand. As you navigate this changing landscape, utilize some best practices:

  • Increase your reach: The hiring tools built into WorkforceHub are in sync with countless job boards, allowing you to push your listings to hundreds of places with a single click. Increasing your reach can help you get more applications, which gives you a better selection of individuals to consider for the work.
  • Keep in contact: Staying in contact delivers a better experience for all involved, which can benefit your company whether you hire an individual or not. You can also utilize modern communication features, such as text and email communications, to reach applicants on their devices.
  • Provide clear guidelines for work: Outline the goals, requirements, and scope of each project to ensure a positive working relationship with gig workers.
  • Simplify your hiring process: Use all the tools built into WorkforceHub to manage and track recruitment efforts, keep all involved in hiring on the same page, and provide a seamless experience.

Whether you choose to incorporate gig workers into your workforce or not, you can take advantage of an all-in-one workforce management platform to simplify your everyday tasks. Explore WorkforceHub and its benefits to find out how it can make your life a little easier. You can even try it for free!

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