Indeed Integration

Connecting modern hiring tech
and an industry-leading job board

WorkforceHub connects with Indeed for an ideal, comprehensive hiring solution for your business

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Attract more applicants

Sponsor your jobs directly from within ApplicantStack. Sponsored Jobs are 4.5x more likely to result in a hire than
non-sponsored jobs.


Elevate the recruiting experience

With Indeed Apply, applicants can apply without leaving Indeed, while recruiters can view all applications within WorkforceHub—streamlining the overall process and driving increased hires.


Accelerate hiring

Effortlessly upload job posts and updates from WorkforceHub to Indeed, so your most up-to-date job info will be found by Indeed's 250M monthly users.

Hire faster by reaching more, qualified candidates

Reaching enough job seekers to find the candidate best for your organization can seem like an insurmountable task at times.  With our Sponsored Jobs integration thorough Indeed, optimally advertise your jobs to increase the likelihood of hire by 4.5x.


Sponsored Jobs uses data-driven matching technology to display your jobs to candidates who are most likely to apply—helping you attract quality, qualified applicants. Sponsoring a job will help you reach a diverse and high-intent audience to expand your pool of quality applicants.


Sign up today and be up and running in no time.


The benefit of Indeed Apply

Our integration with Indeed Apply provides an applicant-friendly application experience on Indeed—boosting applications by up to 4x. Additionally, the integration drives convenience to recruiters by standing out in search results and incremental impact by reducing cost per apply by 20% for sponsored jobs.

Save time by posting your jobs with a single-click
Track & manage all candidates and job applications with ease
Data-driven hiring analytics  

Effortlessly control today — and confidently welcome tomorrow

Homegrown solutions and spreadsheets simply aren’t effective in today's economy.

Where speed, agility and flexibility are as valuable to your customers as the products and services, WorkforceHub paired with Indeed gives you the tools and reach to automate where it makes sense while freeing you up to engage personally with a carefully-selected pool of candidates.

More tools to address today's needs,

Scalable for the future as you grow.

Applicant Tracking

Applicant Tracking



Performance Management


Learning Management


Time Attendance

Time & Attendance



benefits Management



PTO Management


WorkforceHub takes care of business.

We’ll show you how.

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